In 2000, a governor’s task force—representatives from business, education, tourism and other entities— was created to study the growing problem of litter in Louisiana and its effects on tourism, economic growth and quality of life. Their study resulted in the formation of Keep Louisiana Beautiful, an organization focused solely on public awareness, education and community involvement; targeting litter's costly effects; and ultimately, changing attitudes. “Calcasieu Parish has stepped up to the plate with one of the premier, all-encompassing anti-litter campaigns, not just in the state but in the entire region,” says Debbie Serra, chairman of Keep Louisiana Beautiful.
Laws are written across the state to have litter programs with teeth, to do the education, the awareness campaigns but according to Serra Calcasieu Parish has done an excellent job of getting the whole package together. Serra credits Jason Barnes. Barnes is Special Programs and Cultural Affairs Coordinator for the Calcasieu Parish Police Jury. “He did his homework,” Serra says. “It is a pleasure for me to be chairman while Calcasieu Parish is doing this fabulous thing.”According to the KLB website, Louisiana State Police and the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries assisted law enforcement agencies across the state to implement Zero Tolerance weekend policies for their own jurisdictions.
Debbie Serra Chairperson, Keep Louisiana Beautiful Fines for littering in the State of Louisiana can range from $50 to $5,000 and from four to 100 hours of community service. Driver’s license suspension and serving jail time are also possible penalties. The point of this program is to raise awareness that there are consequences when it comes to littering and dumping. Some facts of interest include:
Litter costs Louisiana taxpayers more than $15 million annually
Litter can affect the environment hurting everything from fish breeding grounds to contributing to flooding problems
In recent surveys, litter perceptions have been startling. “People are quick to admit that cups, wrappers, bottles and beer cans are trash, but interesting enough, most think cigarette butts are bio-degradable and are not considered trash,” said Serra. “Yes, bio-degradable in many, many years.”
Serra is passionate about keeping Louisiana clean. “Everyone with KLB is passionate,” she said, “Some more than others because they’re on the front lines. They’re doing the forensic work.” One aspect of forensic work, Serra explains is that volunteers actually go to the dumps and dig through the trash to learn who is doing the dumping.
“We’re here to make sure the next generation is aware that littering and dumping is a no-no, and it’s going to stop,” Serra said. “I’m not going to give up on adults changing adult habits but it’s much easier to start with the children.”
KLB acts as a resource. “It’s our feeling that change comes from within. It’s a neighborhood thing, a friend thing,” Serra said. “That’s why we get various communities, parishes involved—street by street. Neighborhood involvement.” Serra says KLB has many education programs. They also offer grants to communities committed to reducing litter in their jurisdictions. “We have a wide-ranging program,” she said, “but it’s predicated on the understanding that it starts in your own community. That’s what we’re all about.”
The community grants from KLB are on a yearly basis. “This year we had over one million dollars in requests for our community grants; we had $250,000 dollars to give out,” Serra said.Louisiana is one of the fastest growing states in the nation when it comes to adding Keep America Beautiful affiliates which in turn makes them Keep Louisiana Beautiful affiliates. “And green is in right now,” Serra said, “but I think folks in the state see such a great need—not just to make us look pretty, but as an economic development factor.”
There are well over 40 affiliates within the State of Louisiana with new ones coming on board all the time. “Vinton just had the training session,” Serra said. “There’s a process to go through.” Part of that process is preparing a litter index for a specific geographic area, counting how much litter is in the area at any given time, picking it up and the returning to that same area and once again noting how much litter is there. According to Serra, “As litter becomes less in that area, people won’t litter in that area.”
Serra tells how the northern part of the state learned the importance of being clean when a Toyota plant didn’t locate there because the area looked dirtier than it should have been. “They felt if people didn’t take pride in their own home and surroundings, they wouldn’t take pride in the work place and the work they did,” Serra said. “So it doesn’t come down to just throwing your cup out the window. It comes down to perception and is perception reality.”
KLB’s primary funding comes through the renewal of driver’s licenses. “One dollar from every renewed driver’s license goes to Keep Louisiana Beautiful,” Serra said.
Serra also says KLB subscribes to the broken window theory. “That is if you have a building in your neighborhood that doesn’t have much activity,” Serra said, “and a window gets broken, and that window isn’t repaired right away then interestingly, all of a sudden more windows are broken and that building is a derelict.”
Serra said it’s the same with trash. “If a little trash appears on a corner, then all of a sudden it mushrooms because it is perceived to be an abandoned area.” That’s something KLB is working hard to control through groups like Team Green and others. According to Serra, these groups are very aware of things like this and they have programs through schools, companies and industries to make people more aware.
Things are slowly changing. There is a community or beautification effort in every part of the state. “It doesn’t have to be all about trash,” Serra said. “It can be a beautification effort.” “We have a diverse group of people involved in KLB and on our board,” Serra said. “If you have a great idea but don’t know how to get it to fruition, contact us.”
Serra says if someone wants to get involved they should call the city of Lake Charles or the Parish and talk with Jason Barnes. Vinton and DeRidder have KLB groups too. “There are many ways to get involved,” said Serra, “even through schools and churches.
Another way to get involved is to keep your eyes open for litterers. If you see someone purposely dispose of trash from their car window, call 493-LITR (5487), and report the violator’s license plate, time and place of the incident, and what type of litter was thrown out. The Litter Hotline was established to help enforce the law, and keep Calcasieu Parish clean.
“The Times Original Best of SWLA” decision ’09 votes are all in and counted. This year we’ve added some new categories and taken a few out. You’ll find some of your old favorites, some new favorites, and some surprises. We now present the results for Best Art & Culture, Best Night Life, and Best Food in SWLA. Envelope please! And the winners are...
Best Arts & Culture
Best Annual SWLA Event – Contraband Days. Well, shiver me timbers! The two-week spring festival Contraband Days on the Lake Front has taken 1st place this year! No place party’s like SWLA, especially from Twelfth Night to Fat Tuesday. This year our voting readers gave second place to Mardi Gras SWLA. Third place goes to DeRidder’s Civil War Reenactment. Honorable mention goes to the Black Heritage Festival, Annual SW District Livestock Show & Rodeo, the Christmas under the Oaks, Sulphur, and Downtown at Sundown..
Best Arts Event – McNeese Banners Series – This year, McNeese Banners Series was more diverse than last year with its mixed disciplines, world artists, and musical variety. Banners Series is attracting larger crowds, giving the University, corporate sponsors, volunteers, and the community a fresh look at the variety of talent out there. The Arts & Humanities Council’s yearly Arts Fest came in second and will be celebrating its 30th year this October. The popular fall event, Gallery Promenade took third place this year, with Spring Art Crawl receiving honorable mention.
Best Live Theatre – Lake Charles Little Theatre. Up from last year’s second place spot, Lake Charles Little Theatre takes 1st place, comfortably ahead of the competition. Second place goes to McNeese Theatre Department. The Children’s Theatre Company took third place in decision‘09. Honorable mentions go to ACTS Theatre, A Block Off Broadway in Jennings, and The Impromptu Players in DeRidder.
Best Live Music – Jack Daniel’s Bar & Grill. Decision ’09 has Jack Daniel’s at L’auberge still the #1 place for live music. Isle of Capri came in second this year. The Locally owned Luna Bar & Grill is a strong third place favorite. Earning honorable mention in ‘09 for providing quality live music were OB’s, followed by AJ’s Bar & Grill, and Yesterday’s.
Best Local Band/Musician – Static. Known as the creators of Zydecore, a progressive mixture of Cajun and Rock, Static is a versatile party band and that made them the number one choice in Decision ‘09. The amazing talents of The Kadillacs put them in second place with our voting readers. City Heat placed third. Honorable mention goes to Judd Bares, Steel Shot and Barry Badon & the BayouBoys Band.
Best Music Event – Downtown at Sundown. A sure sign that summer is on the way is the Friday night gathering at the corner of Broad and Ryan, downtown Lake Charles. Downtown at Sundown is an annual spring event spanning four Fridays after work. McNeese Banners Series was a close second with its eclectic music offerings. The Cajun Food & Music Festival placing third. Honorable mentions go to the Marshland Festival, the Zydeco and Blues Festival, the Lake Area Christmas Celebration, Trinity Baptist Church, and International Festival.
Best Public Art Gallery – 1911 City Hall. With variety of quality exhibits for residents and visitors alike, 1911 City Hall placed first. Gibson-Barham Gallery at the Imperial Calcasieu Museum took second place. Gallery By the Lake, Associated Louisiana Artist’s took third this year. Honorable mentions go to the Black Heritage Gallery and the Abercrombie Gallery at MSU this year.
Best Art/Gift/Frame Shop & Gallery – Greg David’s Frameworks. For fine custom framing, gifts, photographs, and original art our readers chose Greg David’s Frameworks as #1 in decision ’09. Second place goes to The Frame House Gallery & Gifts. The Louisiana Artist’s Guild, Imperial Calcasieu Museum came in third this year. Honorable mentions go to Bridgepointe, in Moss Bluff, Harrington Gallery, and Gallery By the Lake.
Best Museum – The Children’s Museum. Each year the Children’s Museum offers hands-on art, science, and creative playtime, and ranks highest among our voters. We wish them a quick recovery from the fire. The Imperial Calcasieu Museum with art exhibits, regional history displays, and the beautiful Sallier Oak, placed a strong second. The Brimstone Museum, in Sulphur came in third. Honorable mentions go to the Beauregard Museum, DeRidder, the Mardi Gras Museum at Central School, and 1911 City Hall.
Best Park– Sam Houston Jones. In a repeat of last year’s rankings, the beauty of Sam Houston Jones Park rated first with our readers. Sulphur Water Park, offering unique fun to residents and visitors, took second place. Bor du Lac Park on the lake front came in third. Honorable mentions go to Prien Lake Park, Frasch Park in Sulphur, the Oil and Gas Park in Jennings, and the 9/11 Memorial on the Lake Charles seawall.
Best Place to Take the Kids – The Children’s Museum. The Children’s Museum, conveniently located right in downtown Lake Charles rates the highest for area kids. We wish them a quick recovery from the fire. Sulphur Water Park came in second, with Sam Houston Jones State Park placing third. Honorable mention goes to Shiver Me Timbers Park.
Best Night Life
Best Casino/Place to Gamble -- L’auberge du Lac. L’auberge takes first place hands down, with a variety of gaming, dining, and night life. The Isle of Capri came in second, with Grand Casino Coushatta a strong third. Honorable mention goes to Delta Downs. All of our top four gaming venues offer great food, fun and music to both residents and visitors of Southwest Louisiana.
Best Place to Hang Out With Friends – Luna Bar & Grill. The popular night spot to hang with friends is Luna this year with its outside music venue and live choice music acts. Buffalo Wild Wings took second place with Frosty Factory a close third. Very honorable mentions, popular with our readers, go to Crystal’s, Jack Daniel’s Bar & Grill at L’auberge, Darrell’s, Cooler’s Ice House, Yesterdays, and OB’s.
Best Happy Hour – Buffalo Wild Wings. If you’re hanging out with friends for happy hour, Buffalo Wild Wings is the first choice! Jack Daniel’s Bar & Grill at L’auberge took second place this year. Frosty Factory came in third. OB’s, Cowboy’s, Globar at L’auberge, and Pujo Street Café garnered honorable mention.
Best Place to Dance –Yesterdays. Yesterday’s is the favorite place to dance the night away for our readers. They voted L’auberge After Dark as their second favorite and Cowboy’s took third place. Crystal’s and Isle of Capri made a strong showing for honorable mention.
Best Beer Variety – Jack Daniel’s Bar & Grill. Voted first place again, patrons at Jack Daniel’s at L’auberge can tour the world of beers. Buffalo Wild Wings took second place this year. Waynes & Laynes came in third. Making honorable mention for lovers of the brew are Pappy’s Sports Pub, Cajun Jeaux’s, Darrell’s, and Luna.
Best Margarita – Casa Manana. Frozen, on-the-rocks, salt or no salt, Casa Manana’s margarita’s continue to be tops with our voters. Casa Ole took second for Decision ’09 with Chili’s showing a strong third. Honorable mentions go to Margarita’s Bar & Grill, Outback, and Nevie Beach Club at L’auberge.
Best Martini – Globar at L’auberge. Voted number one for its variety and quality, Globar’s martinis’ are tops with our readers. Pujo Street Café came in second. Their chocolate martini is a must try—you know, instead of desert or with! Nevie Beach Club at L’auberge comes in third. Honorable mention martinis go to Outback, (the aptly named) Martini’s, O’Charley’s, and Cajun Jeaux’s.
Best Sports Bar – Buffalo Wild Wings. Our readers have voted and it’s Buffalo Wild Wings for sports on the big screens. Darrell’s came in a very close second. Jack Daniels Bar & Grill came in third. Honorable mentions go to Cooler’s Ice House and OB’s.
Best Bar Overall – Jack Daniel’s Bar & Grill. Decision ’09 gave Jack Daniel’s top honors again this year. OB’s made a strong showing for second place, with Yesterday’s placing third. Honorable mentions go to Cajun Jeaux’s, Wayne & Laynes, Darrell’s, and Luna Bar & Grill.
Best SWLA Food
Best Appetizers – Outback Steakhouse. As with any great meal, we’ll start at the beginning. Decision ’09 voters gave Outback Steakhouse top honors for appetizers. O’Charley’s took second place and Luna Bar & Grill garnered third place again. Honorable mentions go to the popular Pat’s of Henderson, Logan’s, and Snake River Grill at L’auberge.
Best Plate Lunch – Cajun Café. Still a great bargain again this year, the Best Plate Lunch is Cajun Café. Hackett’s came in second and Southern Spice took third. Very honorable mentions go to Nina P’s Café, Hollier’s, and Sausage Link, Sulphur.
Best Romantic Dinner Date – Mazen’s. When it’s time for romance, our readers choose the ambiance at Mazen’s. Harlequin Steakhouse placed second this year with The Snake River Grill at L’auberge in third place. Honorable mentions go to La Truffe Sauvage, Pat’s of Henderson, and Pujo Street Café.
Best Place to Chow Down After 2 AM – KD’s Café. After the party, late night studying, or late shift, KD’s is the place for night owls to gather for breakfast or a burger. The Waffle House placed second with Le Café at L’auberge taking third. Honorable mention goes to Tradewinds at Isle of Capri.
Best Gumbo – Seafood Palace. Decision ’09 is a repeat of last year! Our readers gave Seafood Palace first place honors for its gumbo. Pat’s of Henderson was voted second place and Steamboat Bill’s came in third. Honorable mentions were earned by Hollier’s Cajun Kitchen, Chastain’s,and The Boiling Point, Sulphur.
Best Seafood – Pat’s of Henderson. Decision ’09 put Pat’s of Henderson in first place with Steamboat Bills in a close second. Seafood Palace was voted third place again this year. Honorable mentions go to Mazen’s, Hollier’s Cajun Kitchen and Chastian’s Food & Spirits.
Best Crawfish – Steamboat Bills. When it comes to boiled crawfish, nobody does ‘em like Steamboat Bill’s and they take first place again this year. Our readers gave second place to Seafood Palace and third place to JT’s Seafood. The Boiling Point, Hollier’s, Hackett’s Cajun Kitchen, and Richard’s, in Sulphur earned honorable mentions.
Best Po Boy -- Darrell’s. Once again, Darrell’s was overwhelmingly voted the best Po Boys in SWLA. Tony’s Pizza took second place this year. Leonard’s came in third this year. Wayne & Layne’s, Blue Duck, Pappy’s Deli, and Nina P’s earned honorable mention in the tight race.
Best Deli – Pronia’s Deli. For great muffulettas, look no further than Pronia’s Deli. Our readers voted them first place in Decision ’09. McAllister’s took second place and Pappy’s Deli was third in the voting. Tony’s, Luna and Roly-Poly Subway earned honorable mentions.
Best Breakfast/Brunch – Cracker Barrel. The local establishment of the national chain has taken first place for best breakfast again this year. But for breakfast anytime, KD’s Café placed a close second. The Waffle House took third. Honorable mentions go to the Le Café at L’aberge, and Pitt Grill.
Best Coffee House – Starbucks. The Seattle chain has found success globally and locally. Starbucks was voted number one. The local Coffee Beanery came in second. Local landmark Chez Café placed third. Joe Muggs and Latte’s at L’auberge took honorable mentions.
Best King Cake – Market Basket. Our readers gave the bakers at the area Market Baskets top honors again for King Cake. Misse’s King Cakes came in second, with Delicious Donuts & Bakery in third place. Honorable mentions go to Nelson’s Donuts, Pronia’s, Jo’s Party House and A Piece of Cake.
Best Boudin – The Market Basket on Nelson. In a repeat of last year’s winners: The Nelson Road Market Basket once again took first place for boudin. Hackett’s Cajun Kitchen placed second and Robideaux’s in Iowa took third place. The Sausage Link, Homsi’s Meat Market, and Boudin King in Jennings won honorable mentions.
Best Bar-B-Q – Dan’s BBQ Express. At the top again for Decision ’09, Dan’s BBQ Express is the favorite among our readers. Pink Pig moved to second place with the Smokey Joe’s in third place. Honorable mentions go to Hollier’s Cajun Kitchen, Famous Bar-B-Que, Smokey Joe’s, and Outback.
Best Local Pizza – Tony’s Pizza. Eat in or drive-thru, Tony’s on Prien Lake Road is the place to go for authentic homemade pizza. Mr. Gatti’s pizza was voted second place and DeAngelos Express took third. Honorable mentions go to Joe’s in Sulphur, Mama Rosa’s, and Leonard’s.
Best Local Hamburger – Dairy Barn. First place among our readers this year is Dairy Barn. Second place goes to Cotten’s. Third place is Back Yard Burger’s with Pappy’s Deli, Mary Ann’s Café, and Chastain’s earning honorable mentions.
Best Fried Chicken – Popeye’s. Our reader’s like their chicken spicy and voted Popeye’s as their first choice in Decision ‘09. Lake Charles’ own Ball’s Fried Chicken placed a strong second. Raisin’ Cane’s came in third. Honorable mentions go to Fausto’s, Church’s, and Kentucky Fired Chicken.
Best Bakery Goodies – Jo’s Party House. Readers with a sweet tooth voted Jo’s Party House their favorite again this year, with Cypi’s Cake Box taking second place up from third last year. Terra Cotta’s placed third with honorable mention going to Sweets & Treats and A Piece of Cake.
Best Salad or Salad Bar – O’Charley’s. Up from third place, O’Charley’s gets first place with our readers. Tony’s luscious salads with Greek olives and pepperoncini came in second. Luna Bar & Grill placed third. Pat’s of Henderson, and Harlequin Steakhouse earned honorable mentions.
Best Italian – Olive Garden. The national chains get top spots this year, Olive Garden in first place and Johnny Carino’s in second. Third place goes to locally owned and operated Tony’s Pizza. Very honorable mentions go to local landmarks Mama Rosa’s and DeAngelos Express.
Best Asian – Peking Gardens. Placing first for best Asian cuisine is Peking Gardens. Hong Kong placed second and Fuji Japanese Cuisine took third. Honorable mentions are earned by Kyoto Japanese Steakhouse, Wok D Lite, Miyako Japanese Restaurant and Sushi Bar, and Asia at L’auberge.
Best Mexican – Casa Manana. Still number one with our readers, Casa Manana makes the top of the list in Decision ‘09. Cancun moves up and takes second place with El Tapatio placing third. Casa Ole, Que Pasa Taqueria and Tequila Margarita & Grille, earned honorable mentions with our voters once again.
Best Salsa – Casa Manana. Coming out ahead again this year, a full bowl of Casa’s famous salsa is always on your table or on the way. Casa Ole is in second place and El Tapatio came in third. Honorable mention goes to Cancun for their strong showing with voters.
Best Steak – Harlequin Steak House. This family-owned establishment earned the title of Best Steak in the area again this year. Mazen’s moves up from last year to take second place. The Snake River Grill came in third. O’Charley’s, Jack Daniel’s Bar & Grill, Pat’s of Henderson and Outback earned honorable mentions.
Best Desserts – Terra Cotta’s. Those yummy confections at Terra Cotta’s took number one with our voting readers once again this year. Piccadilly’s selections came in second with Outback Steakhouse’s delights placing third. Honorable mentions go to O’Charley’s, Johnny Carino’s, Snake River Grill, L’Auberge, and Pujo Street Café.
Best Local Restaurant. Period. – Pat’s of Henderson. Over 50 years of Cajun family tradition and service make Pat’s of Henderson the ultimate dining experience for decision ‘09. Mazen’s Mediterranean & Continental Restaurant was voted second and Harlequin Steakhouse took third place.
Decision ’09 -- The Times Original Best Of SWLA 2009 -- Part 1
Our annual reader’s have made their decisions. The Best of Southwest Louisiana is official, and Decision ’09 honors some old favorites, some new favorites, and offers up some pleasant surprises. This year we’ve added some new categories and taken out a few.
Decision ’09 will be revealed in two publications. In this issue we will report the winners in the categories of Shopping & Services, Sports & Recreation, and Local Media. Our May 28 issue will reveal the winners in Arts & Culture, Nightlife, and SWLA Food.
Best Shopping & Services
Best Bank: Cameron State Bank. The annual heated competition between local banks had Cameron State Bank winning by a landslide with our voting readers. Chase Bank placed second this year with Jeff Davis Bank taking third.
Best Credit Union: CSE Federal Credit Union. CSE Credit Union took first place again this year with Calcasieu Parish Employees Federal Credit Union taking second place and Olin Credit Union took third place.
Best Financial/Investment Planning Consultant: Pepe Vasquez, Mallard Investments, CSB. Vasquez wins yet again! Edward Jones placed second and Bayard Financial took third place.
Best Auto Dealer (New): Billy Navarre. Once again, Billy Navarre ran away with first place for Best Auto Dealer (New). All Star Pontiac, Buick, GMC took second place and Lake Charles Toyota took third place this year.
Best Auto Dealer (Used): Billy Navarre. Billy Navarre was voted Best Auto Dealer (Used) again this year. Auto Plex moved up to second place and Martin Pontiac GMC came in third in Decision ’09.
Best Auto Service: Billy Navarre. Navarre again swept our Decision ’09 with our Best Of voters! Ken Conner’s Service Tire & Auto moved up to second place this year and Ace Automotive took third. Family Auto Service garnered enough votes for an honorable mention.
Best Tire Center: Ken Conner’s Service Tire & Auto. Once again, it was a tough fight this year, but Conner’s came out first in Decision ’09, with Pumpelly’s Tire Center finishing a close second. Sam’s Club placed third. Honorable mention goes to Tom Aday’s Tires, Brakes, & Alignment.
Best Motorcycle Shop: Harley Davidson of Lake Charles. Harley supporters put their favorite in first place again. Honda of Lake Charles made a second place finish and West Bank Bros. took third for Decision ’09.
Best Local Hardware Store: Gayle’s Hardware. For all your gadgets and widgets, you now have three top places to go! Gayle’s Hardware on Ryan Street was voted “Best Of” again this year. Trahan’s Hardware on Common Street took second place again this year. Our third place winner this year is Ferguson Hardware & Supply on Sale Road.
Best Roofing Company: Ferguson Roofing. Decision ’09 voters once again gave Ferguson Roofing top honors, with Poole Roofing placing second. Coming in third is Daughill Contracting. Arabie Roofing and All Purpose Roofing receive honorable mention.
Best Fence Company: Rivers Fence Co., Inc. In this competition, Rivers Fence took first place way ahead of the competition. Coming in second was Nash Fence and Supplies, Inc. and third was Hercules Fence Co., Inc.
Best Rental Store: Grand Rental Station. Grand Rental Station took top honors this year, with Groves Rent Way coming in second. Third place went to Tadlock Rental.
Best Mini-Storage: A-Affordable Storage. A necessity for most households, the mini-storage units are getting quite competitive. This year A-Affordable Storage surprised the competition by taking first place. U-Lock-It is second with our Decision ’09 voters, and U-Lock-It dropped to the third spot from second last year. Honorable mention goes to Assured Mini-Storage.
Best Pest Control: J & J Pest Control. For home protection against invasions of the pesky kind, our readers again selected J & J Pest Control for first place. McKenzie Pest Control moved up to second place with McGinnis Pest Control coming in third.
Best Realtor/Realty Firm: Flavin Realty. Decision ’09 voters gave top honors to Flavin Realty. Safari took second place and Prudential made the list at third place.
Best Insurance Office and Agent: State Farm Insurance, Ronnie Johns. It looks like a full State Farm sweep with Ronnie Johns of State Farm at #1, Don Harris of State Farm in second place and Hunter Perrin of State Farm in third place.
Best Pool Company: Sabine Pools & Spas. Our voters again honored Sabine Pools as the best pool and spa supplier and contractor. Pro Pools & Spas took second place and Affordable Pools placed third. Honorable mention goes to Cajun Pools.
Best Sporting Goods/Outdoor Store: Academy. Academy takes first place in a landslide decision with Lake Charles Tackle taking second and Athlete’s Corner placing third.
Best Liquor Store: Hokus Pokus. Moving up to first place and way ahead of the pack (not the six pack or the twelve pack) is Hokus Pokus. Second choice with voters is Lake Street Liquor, and Homsi’s placed third.
Best Place to Have a Baby: Women & Children’s Hospital. Once again, Women & Children’s Hospital was voted the best place to have a baby. Lake Charles Memorial Hospital took second place and Christus St. Patrick Hospital placed third.
Best Pharmacy/Drug Store: Walgreens. Walgreens again took first place among our readers with hometown Gordon’s Drugs in second place. Third was CVS Pharmacy.
Best Physician: Dr. Carl Nabours. Dr. Nabours once again garnered first place among our readers with Dr. Nick Cohen placing second in the voting. Dr. David Wallace came in third.
Best Travel Agency: Globetrek Travel. If you need a vacation destination, our voters recommend Globetrek Travel, once again. Partners in Travel took second again this year, followed by Network II placing third.
Best Antique Store: French Quarter Flea Market. The French Quarter Flea Market is the favorite place for treasure hunters. Old Feed Store Antiques took second place this year and Focal Point Antiques placed third, both moved up from honorable mention last year.
Best Bargain/Thrift Store: Tuesday Morning. For the fourth year, Tuesday Morning won first place among bargain-hunters. S&M on Ryan Street took second place again with our voters. The Goodwill Store on Highway 14 took third. Honorable mention must go to The French Quarter Flea Market.
Best SWLA Gift Shop: Expressions. Once again, whether you’re shopping for Mardi Gras, Christmas or birthdays, our voters overwhelmingly recommend Expressions on Ryan for great gifts. Louisiana Market came in second with their unique gift items moving up from honorable mention last year. Artistic Crosses took third place.
Best Toy Store: Toys R Us. When shopping for the kids, Toys R Us is still the favorite place for our readers, with Emily’s placing second and Target coming in third.
Best Women’s Clothing: Dillard’s. The best place to shop for women’s clothing is Dillard’s according to our voters. Stage came in second place. Third place went to Talbot’s.
Best Bride & Groom Formal Wear: Black Tie Formal Wear. Black Tie Formal Wear took the #1 spot again this year. Al’s Formal Wear moved up to second from last years honorable mention spot in this hot contest. Treasured Moments came in third.
Best Wedding Registry: Navarra’s. Times voters selected Navarra’s as their preferred wedding registry for Decision ’09. Bella Cose & le Grenouille came in a close second. The Paper Place clinched third. The Perfect Gift garnered enough votes for honorable mention.
Best Jewelry Store: Navarra’s. This year, Navarra’s took first place with our voting readers, and M.B. Rich placed second. Diamond Durrell’s took third. Honorable mention goes to Bijoux Jewelry.
Best Caterer: Reeve’s Uptown Catering. Reeve’s delicious food and service garnered enough votes for first place again this year. Second place went to Treasure’s of Marilyn, with Terra Cottas taking third place. Casa Manana and Cajun Café get honorable mention from our voters.
Best Local Hotel/Motel: L’Auberge du Lac. It was an easy vote for our readers in this category. L’Auberge du Lac got the #1 spot by a landslide. Coming in a far second was Black Jack Inn, Kinder and Best Western Richmond Suites took third.
Best Day Spa: Scarborough’s. For relaxation and pampering, Scarborough’s ran away with first prize this year. Spa du Lac took second and Salon Elegance placed third.
Best Massage & Day Spa: Spa du Lac. Spa du Lac was voted best massage and day spa, but Scarborough’s Salon & Day Spa once again garnered a very close second place win. Special Touch took third place.
Best Adult Store: Love Works. Our voting readers favored Love Works for their favorite “Adult Store,” Oo La La! Love Shack came in second. Mood Setters placed third.
Best Barber/Beauty Salon: Attitudes Styling Salon. Coming in at #1 this year is Attitudes Styling Salon. Hair Clinic came in second and Scarborough’s Salon & Day Spa came in a close third. Garnering enough votes for honorable mentions are Bauhaus Salon and Strandz Hair Studio.
Best Tanning Salon: Australian Super Tan. For the sun worshipers out there, Australian Super Tan took the #1 spot. Trading places this year are Darqest Tan in second place and Perfect Tanz in third place. Endless Summer Tans and 3D Tans take honorable mention.
Best Florist: A Daisy A Day. Moving up to the #1 spot for Decision ’09, A Daisy A Day is the favorite of our voting readers. Paradise Florist is in second place this year, and Wendi’s Flower Cart took third, moving up from last years’ honorable mention.
Best Greenhouse, Nursery or Garden Supply: Greengate. It’s time to plant! Greengate was voted number one by all our gardening readers. Prien Pines took second and Dever’s Nursery in Sulphur placed third.
Best Dry Cleaner: AAA Drive-In Cleaners. The perennial favorite of our readers, AAA was again voted Best Dry Cleaners. Second place went to Southern Dry Cleaners and Black Tie Cleaners took third place.
Best Meat Market: The Sausage Link. The Sausage Link took first place this year pushing Sam’s Club to second place and Misse’s Grocery in Sulphur was a close third. Brown’s Neighborhood Market—Grand Lake, and Peto’s were close behind for an honorable mention for Decision ’09.
Best Seafood Shop: JT’s Seafood. Decision ’09 was a repeat of last year’s race. The favorite source of much-loved seafood in SWLA is once again, JT’s Seafood. Steamboat Bill’s garnered second place and Richard’s in Sulphur took third again.
Best Grocery Store: Kroger. The local big three took the top honors with our readers. Kroger placed first this time around, with Albertson’s moving to second place and Market Basket in third. Strong local support gave honorable mentions to homegrown grocers Misse’s, Cormie’s, and Chessons.
Best Furniture Store: Home Furniture. Moving up from third place in last years polls was Home Furniture. Ashley Furniture Home store came in second, with Howell Furniture Galleries in third place. Foret Furniture and Butler Furniture took honorable mention.
Best Office Supply Store: Office Depot. Again this year, Office Depot is the one-stop shop for the majority of our readers. Lake Charles Office Supply came in second and Office Max took third place. United Office Supply receives honorable mention this year.
Best Book Store: Books-A-Million. One of the few book stores in town, but boasting coffee and WIFI, Books-A-Million took first place in a landslide. Barnes & Noble was a distant second, as was the Christian Book Store in third place.
Best Big Box Store: Sam’s Club. Sam’s won our readers over again for their favorite in Decision ’09. Best Buy came in a very close second, and Wal-Mart placed third. Honorable mention goes to Target in a very close decision.
Best Sports & Recreation
Best Fishing Guide: Capt’n Sammie Hebert’s Marina. Local anglers gave Capt’n Sammie Hebert’s a strong first place win this year. Capt. Ron’s Charter took second place finish. Captain Ron Begnaud took third place. Diamond “W” Ranch receives honorable mention this year.
Best Hunting Camp: Hackberry Rod &Gun. Hunters gave first place to Hackberry Rod & Gun, which jumped from last years third place spot. Big Lake Guide Service took second. Black Lake Lodge was awarded third place after moving up from last year’s honorable mention. Garnering enough votes for honorable mentions are Grosse Savant, and Jim Bel’s Hackberry Hilton.
Best Place to Play Golf: Graywood. This year Graywood had a strong win for first place with our voters. Contraband Bayou, L’Auberge placed second and taking third place this year was Mallard Cove. Koasati Pines at Coushatta and Lake Charles Country Club garnered enough votes for honorable mentions.
Best Place to Work Out: Dynamic Dimensions. Dynamic Dimensions is the favorite this year of the fit set voters. GiGi’s was a very close second and Curves moved up to third place. Trinity Baptist Church Fitness Center and LA Fitness receive honorable mentions.
Local Media
Best Local News Reporter: John Bridges. Sulphur’s favorite son is also SWLA’s most popular broadcast reporter. This year, Cynthia Arceneaux placed second, and Mike Brignac took third place.
Best Local Meteorologist: Rob Robin. KYKZ’s Rob Robin won this year in a strong first place decision. Second place went to KPLC’s Jeff Jumper with KPLC’S Kelly Hutchinson taking third.
Best Local Sports Reporter: Garrett Lumpkin. KPLC’s Garrett Lumpkin took top honors with our voters. KPLC’s Tom Annino came in second, with KPLC’S Tiffany Blackmon taking third place.
Best Local Music Radio DJ: Dale Mann. The readers have voted and it’s 99.5’s Dale Mann in the top spot again this year. 92.9’s Gary Shannon came in second and 99.5’s Eric Scott came in third.
Best Local Radio Station: KNGT 99.5 Gator. Well it looks like the country music station KNGT 99.5 takes the #1 spot this year for best radio station. KHLA 92.9 The Lake came in a very close second and KYKZ 96.1 Country took third place.
Best Radio Morning Show: Gary Shannon & Heather Fazzio 92.9 The Lake. This local, cheerful morning team won the top spot with our voters. Kidd Kradick’s syndicated morning show came in second and the syndicated Walton & Johnson came in third.
Best Local TV Personality: John Bridges. SWLA trusts John Bridges and overwhelmingly voted him into first place again this year. Cynthia Arceneaux took second place, with Marty Briggs taking third.