By Jessica Ferguson
The Times of SWLA
Welcome to the movie industry! That got your attention, didn’t it? That’s exactly what it was meant to do, because the film and media industry is a hot item these days. Almost every parish has a film alliance or commission, trying to woo Hollywood to the great state of Louisiana. And why not?
Louisiana has flavor, atmosphere, alligators and swamps, beautiful oaks and cypress trees, antebellum plantations and flashy casinos. Our people are characters, and our weather is warm year long. Enticing film and media to our state and community would be a plus for our economy. But that’s the business side of it.
What about the creative side?
The Lake Area Film Group was founded in September 2004 by a group of passionate individuals interested in growing a filmmaking community in Southwest Louisiana. The original group committed to the mission statement: to create a network of people, ideas, and resources which, would be shared collectively, enabling the independent filmmaker in the Lake Area, and to host an annual film festival in Lake Charles, which would serve to both motivate and to inspire.
That’s exactly what LAFG does.
Some film groups are highly structured and wax long and eloquent on writing rules and philosophies, but they intimidate and quench that bold creativity needed to just go for it and put it all out there. “It” is that deep-down-in-the-gut-in-the-heart dream a person holds dear—that dream to create by writing or producing or directing or acting in a film.
“It’s not out of reach,” says Scott Waldrop, a KPLC employee and president of the Lake Area Film Group. “Filmmaking is not as elusive as it sounds.”
Julie Fay, also an employee of KPLC and one of the founding members of LAFG, writes screenplays. She meets weekly with her screenwriting critique group to
What’s a film sprint? Hard work and a lot of fun. And a learning experience.
“Film sprints are popular across the country,” Waldrop says. “Teams are given certain criteria—it might be a location, a prop, and a line of dialogue that has to be included in your short. You tie it all together within 24 hours. You have to write the script, produce it and edit it within that 24 hour period.”
Sounds like reality TV, doesn’t it?
Waldrop says within each team there is a writer, an editor, a cinematographer, and a director. “And if you’re lucky you have some talent,” he says.
LAFG is a loose-knit group and the reason they get together is to encourage each other and to help members with their individual projects. They invite anyone with an interest or passion for filmmaking to join them.
“We’re all passionate about what we do,” says Waldrop. “Just to different degrees.”
Waldrop also says they want LAFG to be fun. While the structure might not be there, the passion is. They’re all serious about their craft, learning more and achieving their individual goals. They all produce something.
For anyone who has an interest in filmmaking, Waldrop says there’s a place for them with Lake Area Film Group. “You can get as creative as you want to get,” he says. “There’s a place for you if you want to write, produce, direct and if you want to make independent films. With LAFG you can build your skill sets up, even if you have no skills.”
John Ware, another KPLC employee, sums it up by saying, “I would like our group to grow with like-minded people because when we’re bigger, we’re better. We learn from each other.”
Mark your calendar now. LAFG meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM at Central Library in Lake Charles. LAFG can also be found on myspace and facebook. Don’t be shy. Lake Area Film Group is warm and inviting and they honestly want to encourage you.
If you have been stifling that heartfelt desire to be an independent filmmaker, stifle no more. To familiarize yourself with their work, go to www.youtube.com and search for lafilmgroup.
Don’t forget to read the credits! For more information email LAFilmGroup@gmail.com.
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